“Only when we build bridges do we discover
that we are all the same”
Rose Charities NY, Inc
Rose Charities NY, Inc is a 501(c) 3 registered charity EIN 20-31-53-076. It was founded in 2005 and is run by volunteers, who share a desire to support initiatives which benefit those in need around the world.
We support small community led projects in some of the worlds most vulnerable communities.

Rose Charities NY has no religious, political or social-cultural agenda.
We are volunteers working from home so we have low over-head costs and 98% or more of your donation goes directly to the projects.
Our focus is on Health and Education, particularly Women’s Health.
We have a history of almost 20 years supporting / organizing or initiating charitable causes worldwide
We are focused on cost effectiveness, supporting community-based projects with local leadership and local volunteers. We have an almost 20 year history of supporting impactful programs which have improved lives for tens of thousands.
We believe in building bridges between people and communities. Such bridges are ever two way carrying far more than simply material support